Ramp Pesto — The Wine Box Gardener

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Ramp Pesto

Ramp Pesto

Of all the wild treats foragers find in springtime, ramps must be one of the most welcome sights. Ramps, a member of the Allium family, are essentially wild leeks that grow in shady wooded areas and are available from late April to early June. They can be used in any dish as a substitute for leeks, scallions, shallots, and more. If you’re lucky enough to find ramps, be sure to try them in one of your recipes.

I’m not a forager but had fun on a guided foraging hike with our local forager. Read more about that adventure in the post, Finding Food in the Wild.

One of my favorite things to make in late summer is basil pesto. If it’s a good year in the garden for basil, you better believe I’m going to make a year’s worth of pesto from it. When I found myself with some extra ramps after making this Ramp and Mushroom Quiche recipe, I immediately thought of making pesto.

Tip: Pesto can be stored for months by packing it tightly in a small jar and covering the entire top with olive oil to prevent oxidation. When ready to use, scrape the oil off the top and use it!

Ramp leaves

Ramp leaves


  • 3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1/4 cup combination of pine nuts and chopped walnuts (other nuts can be used - I just like this flavor combination)

  • 6 tablespoons parmesan, pecorino, or Grana Padano grated cheese

  • 2 dozen ramp leaves with partial bulbs*, rinsed well (approximate…you can alter the amount based on the flavor you want)
    *I trim most of the bulbs off the leaves for the pesto, leaving a small amount of the white part of the bulbs on the leaves. I find that including the full bulb is too overpowering.

  • Kosher salt to taste

  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Lightly toast the nuts in a small pan for approximately 1 minute, tossing often to avoid burning. Take the pan off the heat when they start to turn a slightly golden color and set it aside.

  2. Prepare a bowl of ice water and bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil.

  3. Blanch ramp leaves in the pot for approximately 1 minute. Remove the leaves and immediately place them in an ice-water bath. When cool, use a cheesecloth or a towel to wring them dry.

  4. Add garlic and nuts to a food processor and pulse until blended.

  5. Add the cheese and ramps to the garlic and nut mixture and pulse until blended.

  6. While the food processor is on, add olive oil in a drizzle through the small opening at the top of the food processor until desired texture is obtained. This may be 1/4 - 1/2 cup but add about a tablespoon at a time so you don’t make it too thin. (Pesto has a fairly thick texture.)

  7. Add salt to taste.

  8. If not using right away, pack the pesto tightly in a small glass jar and cover the top completely with olive oil. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Ramp and Mushroom Quiche

Ramp and Mushroom Quiche

Mushroom Grow Kits

Mushroom Grow Kits