The Wine Box Garden Starts for 2016 — The Wine Box Gardener

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The Wine Box Garden Starts for 2016

The Wine Box Garden Starts for 2016

A combination of rain and a busy schedule kept me from planting my garden goods, but finally, this past weekend, the rain stopped and the sun came out...and I got busy. I wasn't really "late" in getting things planted...just anxious.

People often ask me if they can take a look at the garden - they're curious about how I can fit so much in a small space. I know others are skeptical because I'm probably not following "the rules" in terms of plant spacing in all cases.  But, I've planted many things in these small boxes/spaces for a few years now and am getting the sense that things are OK here. In the end, I just want people who say, "I have no space for a garden" to give it a second thought.

I've also started a "Garden Journal." Just a quick entry in there for now (you can read about my mysterious holes in the dirt and an eggplant thief there). I'll post throughout the season about the good, the bad, and the ugly out there. Gardening has its share of all three.

This video gives a tour of my 2016 garden at its start. Warning: It's not the best quality, but it's a bit comical - the wind blowing through, the neighborhood kids running through my yard, and more...hope you enjoy the tour. If you have any questions or comments, let me know!

My garden plan - everything in place - for 2016. Details below.

My garden plan - everything in place - for 2016. Details below.

  1. Potatoes: Yukon Gold, German Butterball & French Fingerlings
  2. Yellowfin Squash
  3. Sun Gold Tomatoes
  4. Provider Beans
  5. Royal Burgundy Beans
  6. Oregon Snap Peas
  7. Sugar Daddy Peas
  8. Patio Snacker Cucumber
  9. White Eggplant
  10. Jackson Cucumber
  11. Zucchini
  12. Sweet 100s Tomatoes
  13. Ancho Peppers
  14. Classic Eggplant
  15. Beets
  16. Calliope Eggplant
  17. Jackson Cucumber
  18. Javelin Parsnips
  19. Rainbow Carrots
  20. Nelson Carrots
  21. Lettuce (Mix of Lollo Rosa, Green Salad Bowl, Arctic King, Buttercrunch)
  22. Swiss Chard
  23. Sorrel
  24. Slicing Cucumber
  25. Genovese Basil
  26. White Eggplant
  27. Sunflowers
  28. NJ Devil Tomato
  29. Rutgers Tomato
  30. Caiman Tomato
  31. Lavender
  32. Blueberries
  33. Strawberries
  34. Celeriac
  35. Monica Tomato
  36. Black Cherry Tomato
  37. Purple Cherokee Tomato
  38. Valencia Tomato
  39. Indigo Rose Tomato
  40. Black Beauty Eggplant
  41. N/A
  42. N/A
  43. Classic Eggplant
  44. Italian Parsley
  45. Italian Oregano
  46. Vertical Herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Mint (multiple varieties)

I'll be sure to post my progress (or lack thereof) throughout the season.

Garden Journal - May 11, 2016

Garden Journal - May 11, 2016

Herb Risotto with Shrimp

Herb Risotto with Shrimp