Bike Ride & Lunch at the Tewksbury Inn -Tewksbury, NJ — The Wine Box Gardener

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Bike Ride & Lunch at the Tewksbury Inn -Tewksbury, NJ

Bike Ride & Lunch at the Tewksbury Inn -Tewksbury, NJ

Tewksbury Inn (Photo Credit NJ Real Estate Finder) 

Tewksbury Inn (Photo Credit NJ Real Estate Finder

If you like a bike ride with a great reward at the end of it, you should try this route. This was the second time we did this route (we first did it in 2013), which starts and ends in Tewksbury, NJ in Hunterdon County. Our "destination" for this particular bike ride is The Tewksbury Inn for lunch. It's like a relaxing reward after the bike ride. Now, this ride is not long, but it has its challenges. There's a long stretch of uphill that seems like it will go on forever. But, it doesn't, so stick with it. The first time I did this route, I had to stop along that hill....this time, I kicked it. If I can do it, you can too. 

The route is filled with peaceful roads, farms, horses and other wildlife. The drivers there seem to be used to cyclists, so they're willing to share the road. There aren't really many "shoulders" on these roads to ride in, so you're on the roads with the cars. After that stretch of challenging inclines, there is, thankfully a bit of downhill and at one point, there's a great open view of farmland. You can't miss it. Definitely stop for a breather and take in the view. 

A view worth stopping for.

A view worth stopping for.

Whenever I ride through a place like this, it makes me want to retire....immediately...and move there so I can just sit on the front porch and sip lemonade all day while I ponder life. It's refreshing in so many ways. 

Raw Oysters at Tewksbury Inn

Raw Oysters at Tewksbury Inn

The Tewksbury Inn has a great outdoor eating area and bar to just kick back and relax. I love getting raw oysters when I go to the Tewksbury Inn. Actually, I get oysters anywhere I go that has a raw bar. They're so refreshing and it's something I never have at home because when it comes to shucking oysters, I'm a total failure. I've been shown how to do it many times and every time it's like trying to split the atom. 

While you're there, check out Melick's Town Farm. Melick's has a farm market (see info below), where they sell fresh fruits and veggies, along with other market items. At certain times of year, you can visit the farm for pick-your own strawberries, peaches, apples, and pumpkins. Check the "Pick-Your-Own Produce" option on their website

Know before you go:

  • Tewksbury Inn is open 7 Days a week for Lunch and Dinner. Check the times, as there's about an hour in between lunch and dinner, when they no longer seat people at the outdoor tables. There is, however an outdoor bar you can sit at for a drink.

  • Park at the Tewksbury Library and start from there. it's just down the street from the The Tewksbury Inn, so it's convenient. 

  • Melick's Town Farm sells their goods at their Oldwick Farm Market at 170 Oldwick Rd. 

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