Quick Tip: Late Blossoms on Tomato Plants — The Wine Box Gardener

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Quick Tip: Late Blossoms on Tomato Plants

Quick Tip: Late Blossoms on Tomato Plants

As the days get shorter and the temperatures cool, it's coming to the end of the season for plant growth. It's late September now, and I'll be keeping my plants going as long as I can - until the threat of frost arrives.

What to do with late-season flowers

If you're growing tomatoes or other vegetables, you may still see some flowers appearing on your plants. This is usually a hopeful exciting sign that you've got more tomatoes in the future. Not necessarily so when they appear this time of year in the northeastern part of the U.S. If you have new flowers toward the end of the growing season, pinch them off. There's not enough time left for them to grow to their full potential and in the meantime, they're taking the nutrients from your other, more mature tomatoes/vegetables that need to complete their growing cycle. 

In an upcoming post, I'll talk about what to do with those partially ripened/not yet ripened tomatoes at the very end of the season.

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